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“Sacred Threads” Exhibit

Southeastern Quilt and Textile Museum 306 Bradley St, STE C, Carrollton

The Southeastern Quilt and Textile Museum invites you to experience the "Sacred Threads" exhibit, on display from January 2 to March 23, 2024.  "Sacred Threads" features 38 quilts, all centered […]


Revival: Lost Southern Voices

Georgia Center for the Book 215 Sycamore Street, Decatur

Revival: Lost South­ern Voic­es is a fes­ti­val for read­ers that cel­e­brates his­tor­i­cal­ly exclud­ed, erased, or mar­gin­al­ized South­ern voic­es. Dur­ing this three-day annu­al con­fer­ence, pre­sen­ters dis­cuss South­ern authors or artists whose […]


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